My 4 year old...had and rejected her first kiss. LOL
In primary a little boy named Skylar was sitting next to her and hitting her friend Becca. He looked at her and instead of hitting her, kissed her right on the mouth! I was shocked! LOL SHE was shocked and disgusted. Which is odd considering what an affectionate child she is. She grimaced, wiped it off and pushed him AWAY. He went in for another one, She pulled back and pushed him off his chair. (thats my girl)
Later at the dinner table I asked her if Skylar had kissed her. She said "YES! It was yucky, no boy kisses for me! Only Mama, Daddy, & Elaine can kiss me." So right then we set up the rule that only family members can kiss Adele. It just cracked me up what her natural reaction was! :)
Monday, June 18, 2007
First Kisses
Posted by Unknown at 10:06 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
I know a name a glorious name,
a name unlike any other
that name, that wonderful name
is the name of Mother
Posted by Unknown at 2:21 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 08, 2007
Our newest edition :)
May 17th -
I was scheduled to be induced at 1pm, that didn't happen because they were way busy (ended up being the busiest month ever for the hospital actually! :) ) At 4 I called and asked if I could get in, they told me to come in the next hour or so. I got there at 5pm and they gave me an IV with some lovely pitocin. It started giving me little contractions, nothing major. I was already at 3cm walking around so at 6pm my midwife came and broke my water. TONS of water...TONS. In fact I continued to leak/spew water for the entire labor process. I was at 10cm and STILL losing water. :P
Anyway after she broke my water contractions really picked up and were getting nice and strong. My WONDERFUL friend/doula Tisha was there and she was really helping me through each contraction, having me relax my shoulders etc..while she massaged my legs and feet.Helped me SO SO much. I was actually able to get to 6cm before I was begging for my epidural. I actually really wanted to get my epidural before 7:30 because I wanted to watch the Season Finale of "The Office" with no pain. Hehehe. That didn't happen. The Anesth. dr. came in and started putting the epidural in, by the time he was done... around 7:35ish? I was in PAIN and really starting to lose it. Thankfully I also had an incredible nurse/mom/sister/doula & husband there to help me through it. Seriously I need a VILLAGE to birth I guess! :)
The anesth. saw that I was in pain and that the drip IV meds were NOT going to help me in time so he "gave me a syringe of the strong stuff" right into the epidural tube...AHH sweet relief! About 5 minutes later I was feeling some nice ol' pressure. Nurse checked me and I was at 10cm! :) Of course it was also 7:58 and I had missed my show...but I had it on in the background and was able to catch the jist of what happened ;) (I know i'm an addict). The midwife had to be called still (seriously couldn't they have called SOONER) so I got to wait 20 minutes for her to come. The nice on call family dr. decided to come in and chat with us while we waited for my dr. He kept an eye on Seth's heartrate making sure it was stable because if it wasn't I would of delivered much earlier. So FINALLY she got there and I was able to start pushing, I'm not sure how long I pushed for time wise. But I think it was maybe 2 or 3 contractions worth? Under 10 minutes I think. He was delivered SO easily! Came right out and the dr. put him on me...i've never had that done before! Dr. had always held baby while the cord was cut but this time I got to hold my cheesy little boy while DH cut his cord. Everyone assured me right away that it was indeed a boy and we were all just THRILLED to have him out and safe!
His apgars were 9/9 and he weighed 7lbs 2.5oz and was 18 1/2 inches long. I looked it up and he was the same weight as my 2nd daughter and the same length as my first daughter. So it looks like I grow my babies pretty darn closely the same! He nurses REALLY well and sleeps like an angel. I'm SO lucky and he's just the most beautiful little boy i've ever seen. :)
Here are some pics so you can see for yourself ;)
Posted by Unknown at 3:42 PM 4 comments