For those that know me, you know i'm slightly in love with my children. Four years ago today I became a Mama. The best title I will ever have in this world, I've worked hard to become a Mom and i'm darn proud of that. Struggling with infertility for four years really bit. It was not a happy time in my life. It had happy moments (thank you Matthew for those) but I felt like a huge hole was missing in my life. And I needed me some cute babies to fill it!
After an early miscarriage, we became pregnant with our Adele. And after a rushed emergency induction we were finally parents. Parents to ONE (the other is Elaine) of the most perfect beautiful little girls our Heavenly Father has ever created. Happy Birthday Adele, thank you for being our miracle, our happiness, our silly one, our kind hearted friend, our sunshine.
I know a name a glorious name,
a name unlike any other
that name, that wonderful name
is the name of Mother
What a sweet tribute! And Adele (aka, Ariel, lol) is just so stunning.
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