Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I love him

Because he's delicious. Because when he laughs out comes this throaty teenage boy chuckle. Because when he wakes up, he lays his head on my shoulder, wraps his arms around my neck and just hugs me, for a really long time. Because he's very possesive of his Mommy and even his sisters better watch their backs if they are giving me hugs. Because he fits into our family so perfectly. Because he gives the best slobbery kisses of any little baby boy I know.

OH and because he can make a Bat darn right ADORABLE. And get totally into it and chase his laughing sister around the house for WAY too long. :)


Anonymous said...

he's adorable and I bet that was fun to have him be so into being a bat.

Elozia Marie said...

Oh my gosh - he get cuter by the minute, doesn't he?!

shauna said...

Sara, how wonderful is it to be able to stay home and raise your babies? Give Matthew a HUGE kiss and hug when he gets home just for working so hard to let you stay home! I wouldn't want to miss a MOMENT with these children and I like that you take all these awesome pics of your sweeties. He is YUMMY!

Mindy said...

Sara that is the MOST adorable bat I have EVER seen!!!! and I have three totally cutie boys, but they have never been a bat, unless you count Batman?

Anonymous said...

I don't think I tell you enough what a wonderful mother you are and how proud I am of you. You make my heart want to burst in two.
Love you sweetie,

Jenn said...

What a sweet guy, and an ADORABLE costume!!!

Jared and Laurel said...

Oh my gosh, he GREW! I can't believe he's running around, chasing his sisters...how awesome is that? This is a great post. What a sweetheart!