Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My hairy son

Went to get an ultrasound today at 35 weeks. Just to check position and see how well he's growing etc. Well he is Breech at the moment but I have a lot of fluid so they aren't too worried about him turning head down yet. They said they wouldn't worry until about 37 weeks or so.

The fun part was that we got an AMAZING picture of his face! I had to share! All that fuzzy stuff on the right of the picture is hair! So looks like my hairy baby trend is going strong. :)


Anonymous said...

Sara, I can't wait to see our little hairy Seth ball...LOL I would post my jellybean pictures of my baby, but really....it is just a jellybean at 8 weeks...lol

g said...

Oh my gosh, that hair is hilarious! He's taking after Adele, I see ;) Hey, if you want any tips on what to do (or not do) to get him to turn, just email me! Here's a website to check out, too www.spinningbabies.com

sarawhat said...

i saw scott and stephanie's twins... sooo cute! I can't even imagine how much work that would be.

Jenn said...

Lots of hair there! Can't wait to see him. And I still can't believe you're this far along.

Anonymous said...

I just realized that Seth looks like Elaine in the sonigram picture :)
