Friday, December 28, 2007

Holding my breath

Today we had a fun errand day with the kiddos. We decided to have dinner at Mimi's Cafe. Enjoying our meal, we had the manager come over and fill our cups. He was a nice looking man, probably about 6'3ish and a big hulking polynesian. Adele I guess hasn't seen too many men looking like this one. She looks up from her dinner and says "Your, Your...Your" Matt and I stare at one another and hold our breath. I say a silent prayer, PLEASE don't say anything horrible or rude! Please don't embarrass us! She finishes her sentence after what seams like an eternity. "Your Pretty!" LOL

She's NEVER said that to anyone before. She just doesn't really notice. Well now she does...she's beginning to notice. He was a really nice man and smiled and said that she was prettier and thanked her. When he left we told her boys were handsome and girls were pretty. She said "OH! hehehe okay!" When we were leaving we saw him again and she told him he was handsome. He smiled and said I had beautiful children. I agreed.

I think my little one has a thing for the polynesian men. Her best friend in preschool, the boy she's pretends to marry, his name is Leva. Short for Tuileva...yep Polynesian too. :)

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Little boy


Here is a pic of Seth at 7 months in front of our Christmas Tree. Isn't he CUTE! I seriously want to just kiss him to death. This guy is such a sweetheart it kills me. I seriously cannot believe how much I adore him. I mean I LOVE LOVE my girls, but for some reason this little boy has a very special place in his mommy's heart. Maybe its because he can't talk yet...hehehee. I never thought I'd LOVE having a little boy like I do. Its seriously so much fun, such a new adventure.

He has definately shown some boy tendencies too. He's into EVERYTHING. My girls never really were. He is already crawling and trying to figure out how to pull up on things. And oh his laugh, and his cry, and his voice! Its SO Boyish! Its so much deeper than a girls voice! Such a difference. I never thought that there would be such a difference at such a young age but there is! I love his smile, and his chuckle, his talking, the way he crawls after Elaine and grabs her blanket...I really think he's doing it just to get her to scream. Heaven help me. Oh I love him, I love them, I love my children. I love being a Mom. I am so blessed.
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Saturday, December 22, 2007

Seth has been crawling for about a month now, he's SO ahead of the curve in our family! Adele was almost 10 months before she learned to crawl. Elaine was about the same. This little man was scooting around at 5 months, and up on his knees at 6. He loves to get over to his sisters, especially Elaine, and tease them. Elaine is pretty easy to tease. Just TOUCH one of her blankets and she flips out. "NO BABY MINE! MY BANKY!"

The girls in their christmas dresses this year. I was excited to actually have matching dresses. I must admit they are stinking adorable.

and the last picture is of Seth trying on his new babylegs I got him. Pants are just too tight on his tummy..ones that are his size anyway. So I bought these babylegs. They are basically leg warmers for babies. I LOVE them, I think he's so stinking adorable in them and it makes diaper changing a breeze and keeps his legs nice and warm.



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Pictures with Santa! Santa came to Adele's preschool this year so all the kids were able to meet him during the Santa "open house."

Adele loved him and made eyes at him. She asked for a little broom so she can help Daddy sweep the kitchen..she also asked for her own kitchen. lol

Elaine wasn't really a fan at all. As you can clearly see. She was happy to get some candy though.

Seth was intrigued, thought his beard was pretty cool :)


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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Yee haw!

Star in Your Own JibJab! It's Free!


Star in Your Own JibJab! It's Free!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Talented Friends

What do you do when you have no photo taking skills? You get friends that have them! :) I have an awesome friend "Sunny" who has a great talent and a great "eye" for pictures. We had a photoshoot with Seth and here are some sneak peeks I got. :)

Here is her website also if you are interested. :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Run for the Hills! I've been TAGGED!

A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

1. I can be an obsessive reader. When I was on bedrest with Seth for a little over a month I read probably 12 books. I just get into a routine of digging in and have a hard time breaking. My kids are used to it, my husband tolerates it. Right now i'm on a reading break because my mind couldn't seperate the storylines anymore. :P

2. I get REALLY silly when i'm tired. When I lived in CA and i'd go to happy hour with my work friends, they would all be drinking shots and i'd have my shirley would think I was drunk, seriously I get silly drunk when i'm tired and have a few sugar infused shirley temples in me.

3. I LOVE being a mom, and NEVER thought i'd actually want to use birth control. But 3 kids are kicking my butt. Especially 3 YOUNG kids, so I'm taking a baby making BREAK until further notice.

4. When i'm nervous I talk...a lot. And dont' know how to stop. I HATE silence when i'm with people i'm not REALLY close with.

5. I love to cook, but most people know that about me...I love when people love my food, and I love sharing food and making people happy with food.

6. Holidays are SO MUCH better with children. Before we had kids I'd get a little bored with holidays. But now, I seriously plan and get excited with EVERY holiday. I'm already planning on our green breakfast for St. Patricks day.

I tag...Rachelle, Sara, G, Stephanie,Sunny,Jennifer!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

More cuteness




Thursday, October 04, 2007

Fun days

Before I had children I swore i'd NEVER put my kids in "character" clothes, never have "character sheets/bedspreads" and never have "character" dishes, plates etc.

Now I have another thing to add to my list as something I SAID i'd never do and now .......totally do do it. Except the sheets/bedspreads...i'm still putting my foot down on that. AND we only have character dishes because thats all they SELL! I finally found some plain kiddo dishes that didn't have Elmo or Winnie the Pooh plastered all over them. I was stoked and we use those the most. But I did cave in one of my biggest pre-child pet peeves. We ...OK I bought the girls some Little Einstein PJ's. I had to, it was a screaming deal and they absolutely love Little Einsteins. So I bought them...and now i have to hide them when its not time for bed because Elaine will try and put them on over her other clothes....Here are some fun pics of my cute pet peeves ;)
Adele reading a Little Einstein book to Elaine on their makeshift bed they threw together

Elaine practicing for her future in the WWF

Friday, September 07, 2007

3 Months old

And he really needed a haircut. :) Here are some before/after shots :)


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I love your faces

Saturday, August 11, 2007


I've been TAGGED! :)
5 questions from G

1. If you were a season of the year, which would you be?
I'd probably be....Spring. Its my favorite season, I think its one of those seasons where you just want to go OUTSIDE and have fun, be silly, and socialize. Thats all me ;)

2. Which of your children is most like you and what characteristics do you share?
I'd probably say Adele. We do share a lot actually in common. She is incredibley silly, she has a short attention span, and she has a very active imagination. She is also stubborn, loves to talk and has a very tender heart. She's basically my little clone.

3. If you could hire one person, and cost was no object, who would you employ: a chef, a housekeeper, a nanny, a chauffeur, a gardener, a secretary, or a pool boy?
Housekeeper HANDS DOWN. I love cooking, I love being/taking care of my children, I don't drive around enough yet to hate it, Matthew does all the gardening at the moment but I think i'd enjoy it if I had the time, I don't really need a secretary and alas i'd love a pool with a boy but not when you can only swim 4 months out of the year or so in utah. :) I hate cleaning, with a passion. And i'd LOVE LOVE a housekeeper :)

4. What was your most recent embarrassing moment?
Hmm my most recent...I believe it would be Adele announcing to my VERY conservative MIL that her daddy has a penis...and that her Uncle Michael has a penis, and that her brother Seth has a penis....and that she has a gyna...YA I went red with that one.

5. What is your dream vacation?
I've always dreamed about touring Europe. Going to the ruins of Rome and Athens. Visiting my favorite castles and historical places in England. Seeing the beautiful green of my ancestors Scottish homeland. Experiencing all those different cultures that I love to read about.

Here are my 5 questions
1. If you could choose anywhere in the world, where would you live?
2.You’ve won $50,000 – but have to give it all away. To which charity or institution would you donate it?
3.If you could be seven years old again for one whole day, knowing what you know now, how would you spend it?
4.What do you think is the most soothing sound?
5.Of all your favorite foods, which one would you find the most difficult to give up completely for the rest of your life?

I'm tagging Rachelle, Sara H., Sunny, Emily, Amy

Monday, August 06, 2007


I forgot to post my favorite pictures from the 4th of july festival we went too! So without further delay....your pictures ;)

Manly Men

Matthew went hiking with his brothers and nephew. They all had a blast and got some beautiful views and pictures! I'm just glad they all made it back alive ;)
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Seth's Blessing Pics

Posted by PicasaSeth was blessed about 3 weeks ago and we had a fantastic time. Thank you family and friends that made it out for the blessing! It meant so much to us to have you all here. :)

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Elaine turns 2!

My miracle medical baby. We meant business when we tried to get pregnant with you my love. I was on 5 different medications at various times and went to the dr. when it was time to conceive. I was shocked when after 4 months (and only one IUI) I got a positive pregnancy test. Matthew was not shocked. He knew it would work and he knew you were coming. You were a wonderful pregnancy, an even better labor. We were so happy so excited to have our Elaine with us. Two precious little girls. What more could we ask for? You and Adele are finally playing together. Two sisters who giggle and scream in the same breath. Who adore one another and seek refuge from one another too. True Sisters. :)
I can't believe my little Mama's girl is two years old. She still my baby in SO many ways. So many annoying ways...hahaha Good thing I absolutely adore her huh.

She got a bike (like Adele) and an Elmo phone ...oh and a June book from Little Einsteins. She's in love with all of them. She's such a baby with me that it surprises me really how much she can do. She just hopped right on that bike and knew exactly what she wanted to do. Still kinda shocks me. Anyway Lainey I LOVE you. You are my sweet baby girl, my cuddles, and my excuse that I can't vacuum when you are awake.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Little Smiles

Title says it all :) I love this boy.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Our boy

I had fun yesterday dressing Seth up in his Sunday outfit that daddy bought him while I was still pregnant. One of those outfits that you are excited for your baby to be able to fit into. He looked handsome I decided to post some pics of him :) And our little family ready for church.

My man ROCKS

My incredible husband has finally finished our fence! Its gorgeous and he's very VERY proud. As he should be because that man has put SO much time into this fence. Seriously worked his rear off. So I thought i'd post some lovely pictures to show off my boys handiwork. :)