Saturday, July 01, 2006

School Widow

Yes I am a school widow. Funny since my husband is taking Independent Study courses...Funny since he's has ONE class left. But since he procrastinated guess who gets to go it alone for a month. ME.

So he put off this one class and HAS to finish it by the end of July. Its a Math class, well its Statistics which he insists is not a Math class. But it sounds like Math to me, so its Math. So I get to be a single Mom until then. School Widows out there, do you ever think its totally unfair that because your husband put off school work YOU are the one that has to pay for it? I mean all he has to do is pour over books and that stuff. But you are the one that has to take over all of the hard work that he would of helped out on. The kids 24/7, the house all by yourself, and then on top of that you are all alone. No adult conversation, No sleeping in the same bed with your husband because he gets home at 2am and goes back to work at 7am. Nada. It bites. But I will survive this. Its only a month right? Then he's DONE....until his Masters anyway.


Jenn said...

Oh, the many, MANY years we spent that way...LOL!

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm not a school widow but I am a job widow a lot and it's the pits. Count your blessings it is only on weekends. Oh, and the thing that in a way sucks the most about being a widow AND a SAHM is that you don't even get a break for work!

p.s. i didnt even know you had a blog until today!


Anonymous said...
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Lee said...

We did it for five years. I am so glad we are done. But it might be starting again soon... *sigh* It will be over sometime soon!

Anonymous said...

talk to me when you are pregnant with your third baby, are on bed your hubby is taking MANY courses at night and working two jobs..OH..and only one car!! That's right it is worth it and you strong enough to do your job while he does his. love you..:o)